Friday, September 22, 2017

Sodexo Cafeteria inside the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office – Alexandria, VA

I did not plan to eat here. It was by accident that, while I was at a naturalization ceremony, I forgot my sandwich in the car. When I arrived at the cafeteria, there was one sausage and cheese calzone left. I’ll be frank here, the calzone was not as bad as some of the other ones on this list. It was a pretty decent size; I would say a solid “medium”. The price of it ended up being $5.89, which, if you’ve read my other reviews now makes it the cheapest calzone I have eaten. I was however charged a “meal tax” of 0.31 cents, whatever that is. The calzone contained marinara sauce, which was pretty regular; ricotta cheese, which was nice; mozzarella cheese, also normal; and, finally, chunks of Italian sausage. The sausage here reminded me of eating at Mangino’s, in that it was just actual “hot dog style” sausage which was cut into pieces. Unlike Mangino’s though, it was much easier to eat. The sausage was pretty good, and wasn’t spicy at all. I give this calzone a D+ because I would much rather eat some other calzone, but it wasn’t bad for the price and as a replacement for a forgotten lunch.

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